Reporting of Employee Injuries

Unfortunately, accidents in the workplace do happen, but are you aware of your duty to report certain accidents to the Health and Safety Executive (HSE)?

Whilst in Jersey there is no statutory requirement for employers to report accidents in the workplace, The situation in Guernsey is different and employers are required to report certain incidents to HSE.

Broadly speaking, any injury causing incapacity lasting more than three days to an employee, trainee or self-employed person working on your premises, or to any other person on premises under your control, must be reported to HSE within 7 days. These reports can be made online at

Any fatal or specified major injury or dangerous occurrence must be notified immediately.

In Jersey, although there is no legal requirement to make such notifications, employers, employees and members of the public can do so at

Making a notification may mean that HSE carry out an investigation, and they (along with your insurers) will need to have as much information as possible, so it is important that employers have a system in place to record accidents in the workplace, such as an accident book / accident report forms, and that details of all accidents are recorded and kept in accordance with data protection requirements.

More guidance can be found here for Guernsey – and here for Jersey –