Preparing for Winter Weather!

Strong winds and heavy rain over the winter months is inevitable so it’s time to start battening down the hatches! We’ve put together some information to help you protect your property from storm damage.

When heavy winds are forecast

  • In advance of heavy winds, hire a professional to check for problems, such as loose roof tiles. After the storm, these should be checked again for any damage.
  • Listen to local radio or search the internet for the latest information and updates in your area.
  • Put away garden furniture and any other items kept outside that might get blown around and cause damage.
  •  Secure gates and shed doors.
  • Be ready to turn off essential supplies – gas, electricity and water – at the mains.
  • Prepare an emergency pack to include torch, first aid kit, warm clothes, blankets and water and make sure your mobile phone is fully charged. In addition to the above, here are some additional considerations for commercial customers:
  • Your health and safety arrangements should consider the safety of employees, customers and visitors who are on your premises at a time when a severe storm is due. Consider what needs to happen to ensure they can get home safely before the weather gets too dangerous.
  • If you have time (before the storms arrives) to safely do so, make back-up copies of your computer systems data and arrange for copies to be stored in a safe place.

What to do in the event of severe weather

If you are affected by severe weather and need to make a claim, please contact our team:


Guernsey: 01481 726971
Jersey: 01534 288930


Weather Alerts

Don’t forget weather alerts are available from the Met Office, and you and your customers can sign up for storm warnings